Short & Sweet Keywords
Major Arcana (life-changing events)
Element: Spirit
take a chance, new beginnings, leap of faith
take action, develop your skill, power to manifest
High Priestess
trust your intuition, secrets, beneath the surface
nurturing, take care, abundance, fertility
take control, structure, stability, power, authority
rules & tradition, teacher
sexuality, choices, love, relationships
control & focus, move forward, willpower
courage, control, patience, discreet power
meditate, time out, solitude
cycles, karma, a turning point
doing the right thing, balance
Hanging Man
a different perspective, surrender, hangin' out
change, endings & beginnings, rebirth
balance, moderation, practical, healing, patience
tackle your demons, addiction, destructive patterns
sudden revelation, inspiration, structural ruin, chaos, tearing down & starting over
keeping hope alive, calm, a good omen
illusion, anxiety, subconscious, mysterious, be wary
joy, success, awareness, confidence, optimism, warmth, illumination
rebirth, answer the call, a new chapter, surrender, perception
complete the cycle, accomplishment, travel
Minor Arcana (day-to-day events)
Cups ~ Element: Water
Ace of Cups
joy, emotional fulfillment, creativity, potential
2 of Cups
nourish relationships, partnership, friendship
3 of Cups
good times, celebrate, enjoy friendship
4 of Cups
lack of appreciation, boredom, pity party, self-protection
5 of Cups
grief, depression, loss, regret, drama queen
6 of Cups
revisit the past, fond memories, innocence, ancestors
7 of Cups
exploring options, a significant decision, choices
8 of Cups
taking a new path, abandoning, withdrawal, restless
9 of Cups
make a wish, self-indulgence, simple pleasures
10 of Cups
family first, happy home
Page of Cups
child at heart, new relationship, inner-sensitivity
Knight of Cups
in love with love, the romancer, not in it for the long haul, daring
Queen of Cups
listen to your heart, intuitive, emotionally nurturing
King of Cups
empathetic, emotionally mature, let love rule, counsel, take charge of your emotions, control
Pentacles (Coins) ~ Element: Earth
Ace of Coins
new financial opportunity, go for it!
2 of Coins
multitask, prioritize, balance
3 of Coins
mastering your craft, creating, get to work, collaborating
4 of Coins
control, hold on, hoarding, fear of losing what you have
5 of Coins
on the outside looking in, financial loss, seek help
6 of Coins
charity, share, give with one hand & take with the other
7 of Coins
patience, evaluation, profit, investment, planting seeds
8 of Coins
keep working, hard work, focused effort, mastering your craft
9 of Coins
financial & material comfort, enjoy the fruits of your labor, peace
10 of Coins
wealth, family, success, heritance
Page of Coins
student, study hard, early stage of material project
Knight of Coins
focused on task, finish the job, do it yourself, patience, perseverance, reliable
Queen of Coins
enjoy physical things & feelings, grounded & calm, nurturing, care for your finances
King of Coins
mature & decisive, financially secure
Swords ~ Element: Air
Ace of Swords
new idea or inspiration, aha! moment, opportunity for change/growth
2 of Swords
indecision, weigh your options, don't rush it
3 of Swords
break up, heartbreak, betrayal, painful life lesson
4 of Swords
mental rest, meditate, relax & let intuition take over
5 of Swords
conflict, watch your back, win at any cost, painful humiliation — yours or someone else's
6 of Swords
move on, cautious progress, tact, calmly explore the subconscious mind
7 of Swords
sneaky, clever, dishonest, betrayal
8 of Swords
stop struggling/wait, self-imposed restriction
9 of Swords
face your fears, anxiety, stress, overactive mind
10 of Swords
an ending, back-stabbed, the worst is over
Page of Swords
early stage of phase/idea, focus on learning, take youthful approach to situation, curious
Knight of Swords
charge in, take action, focus & determination
Queen of Swords
intelligent, picky, speak your mind & take no crap
King of Swords
take command, stay cool & alert
Wands ~ Element: Fire
Ace of Wands
go for it, new beginnings, productive concepts/ideas
2 of Wands
evaluate options, make a plan
3 of Wands
expansion, watching for signs of success, prepare
4 of Wands
party on, security, take action for desired changes, celebrate
5 of Wands
conflict, compete, struggle
6 of Wands
victory, self-confidence, progress
7 of Wands
defend your turf, challenge, determination
8 of Wands
full speed ahead, travel, productive mental processes
9 of Wands
shields up, defense, big struggle coming to an end
10 of Wands
put your back into it, pressures weighing you down, need to delegate
Page of Wands
learn more, discover, energy, enthusiastic, mischief
Knight of Wands
seek adventure, impulsive, put plans into action
Queen of Wands
creative fire, follow your heart, focused, confidant
King of Wands
compelling, a leader, control environment & others